Nutri Hair: A Game Changer for Acne Sufferers!

A few years ago, Dr. Susan Lin, Founder of MD Hair, Skin and Wellness products, embarked upon a revolutionary acne treatment: she started to administer MD Nutri Hair supplements to patients who suffer from cystic acne.
Dr. Lin knew that MD Nutri Hair supplements are excellent for controlling DHT (the hormone that causes hair loss) – so she assumed the Nutri Hair supplements would help with cystic acne, as DHT also contributes to this painful condition.
And her intuition was correct! Many patients noticed remarkable improvements in just a few days.
Her comprehensive treatment starts with the acne patient taking the hair restoration vitamins. Within 2 to 3 days, the patient will notice that new outbreaks have stopped. Not only do the Nutri Hair supplements stop the outbreaks, but they even prevent the formation of new ones.
Next, the patient starts a simple regimen of topical products to clear the skin within 2 to 4 weeks.
How exactly does Nutri Hair work? Dr. Lin attributes the result of clearer skin to Nutri Hair’s blend of antioxidants and botanicals –including lilac extract. This proprietary formulation helps to balance hormones. When combined with her program of other acne-fighting products, the patient sees an amazing difference in a very short time.
The road to clearer skin involves a quick and easy daily routine of MD products: The MD Complexion Factor Starter Kit, the MD Skin Balancing Solution and the MD Nutri Hair supplements.
And one last thing…
There is, in fact, yet another wonderful benefit from taking Nutri Hair daily supplements: female patients with excess chin and facial hair (polycystic ovary patients) have noticed that Nutri Hair prevents the formation of new hairs. (Please note: Daily use of these wonder supplements does not remove the existing facial hair, but they do, indeed, assist in stopping the formation of new ones.)